NYTimes article "Community Gardens ....."

A call for a Green Revolution: “1 new Community Garden for every 200 units of Housing*." More Gardens & Homes!


New York City needs Justice and Wellness. It is time to grow community gardens as an integral  part of affordable housing.

*Our representatives are planning to create 200,000 units of affordable housing in the next ten years.


Amazing Climate Justice March

More Gardens! and NYCCGC members marched with over 400,000 green earth supporters!

The parachute was held by many community gardeners and supporters in the solutions part of the march, appropriately right behind a twenty feed large planet earth. We came together at 10.30 am and marched for over 4 hours in magic, dance and celebration. Children occupied the inner sanctum in play and joy for most of our parade.

Thank you all members who helped paint the banner Michelle, Ariel, Marta and May Day Art space in supporting and donating the parachute.